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Sunday, January 26, 2020
Analyse Role Of Mentor Establishing Learning Opportunities Nursing Essay
Analyse Role Of Mentor Establishing Learning Opportunities Nursing Essay The purpose of this essay is to critically analyse the role of the mentor when establishing learning opportunities with the student that are appropriate for their level. Mentors in a Gynaecological ward are trained and qualified nurses, and often engage in mentorship programmes to help student nurses gain first hand insight and experience of working within a busy and demanding environment. The students vary from first year to third year nursing students and therefore their learning opportunities and abilities differ, and the mentors ability to facilitate any learning opportunities varies accordingly. The essay will consider key terms and concepts and clearly determine what learning opportunities mean both for the mentor and the mentee. The learning opportunities to be discussed in this essay are based on the students needs and requirements as stipulated by their university. These needs are usually the requirements of the pre-registration nursing programmes and are mandatory skill clu sters to help the student meet the Nursing and Midwifery Councils registration requirements. The essay will also critically analyse how a mentor supports and facilitates learning and manages to engage and teach students in a busy environment, ensuring that students are gaining the relevant skills and knowledge appropriate to their level and course expectations. A key facet of being a good mentor is having the ability to set realistic objectives and learning needs having assessed the capacity of the student (Gray and Smith, 2000). Nicklin and Kenworthy (2000) suggest that learning objectives are goals that encourage development of skills that students did not previously have. It is important to have a good supportive learning environment which will essentially provide the basis for many learning opportunities for the student (NMC, 2008a). The first thing to do when mentoring a student is to ensure that they are properly introduced to the ward, the staff and the environment. This helps to eliminate any stress or anxiety the student may have had prior to coming on the placement (Manthorpe and Stanley, 2000). This is especially so when it is the students first time on a placement and clinical environment. Following on from the introduction, the mentor will give the student an explanation of the different surgical procedures that are carried out , followed by a student information pack for further reading. The mentor is also required to explain to the student the requirement of maximum attendance during placement. This is not only stipulated in the university requirement, but also in the ward, and all students are required to have at least 40% attendance at placement as required by the NMC code (2008a). One of the first learning opportunities afforded by the mentor to his/her mentee in a gynaecology ward, is the chance to work in a multidisciplinary team to deliver the best care possible to the patient and his/her carers. By working in a multidisciplinary team, the student can engage with professionals of different levels from physiotherapists, occupational therapists and gynaecologists. In allowing the student to be involved in this environment, the mentor offers the student the opportunity to learn different skills and medical techniques that would perhaps have been less visible, if the student was to only work with the mentor and focus on specific learning needs (Gray and Smith, 2000). In a gynaecology ward, the mentor is able to facilitate such learning opportunities in a multidisciplinary team, by allowing a first year student to prepare a theatre patient and take the patient to theatre before retuning back to perform other tasks. However, there are occasions where a first year student may be more qualified than anticipated as they have been working as Health Care Assistants previously and therefore have acquired the necessary skills to be able to not only prepare and take a patient to theatre, but also return with the patient after the surgery. In this instance, the mentor needs to be aware of the different learning needs and provide the correct learning opportunities tailored to the students level. Contrastingly, the mentor may be given a final year student to teach in which case, the mentor needs to create and identify new learning opportunities for the student. Price (2004) specifies that it is the responsibility of practice staff to develop an environment conducive to learning, and mentors should continually monitor students progress to ensure that they provide appropriate support and experience for learners (Hand, 2006). In a gynaecology ward, the mentor can provide the final year student with the opportunity to not only prepare the patient for thea tre, but then collect the patient after the surgery and take hand over notes from the recovery nurse in order to then continue with the post operation care plan. Nevertheless, all the nursing students are offered the opportunity to work in other gynaecology areas including theatre to learn new processes, work with different professionals, and understand the different instruments and sutures used such as the gowns, gloves, operating table, drapes, skin preparation, swabs used, and the method of checking swabs and instrument numbers (Maxwell, 2004). The mentor can also provide more learning opportunities for their final year student aimed at developing their communication skills, by encouraging them to attend and participate in a hysterectomy meeting with the view of conducting their own meeting. At this meeting, the student will observe and listen to the material, then conduct her own research using the facilities available on the ward and the hospital such as the clinic, the library and other colleagues, to prepare her own presentation. This learning opportunity will give the student confidence in her ability to present to a diverse group of people ensuring that her communication skills are adaptable to all situations. Where the mentor observes that the student has gained a good level of understanding of the basic processes of a gynaecological ward, the mentor can find new learning opportunities for the student to develop his/her skills and competence (NMC, 2008a). Another opportunity which a mentor can afford to their student is providing the chance to perform the removal of a catheter using the aseptic technique. To help the student meet this learning need, the mentor identified several patients over a period of 3 shifts that required removal of a catheter and vaginal pack. The mentor explained to the student what this task was and the reason why it had to be carried out. Once the mentor had explained the purpose of the exercise, with the patients consent, the student observed the mentor removing the pack and catheter, carefully explaining each step of the process and the equipment used. After the student had observed this process 3-4 times, with the patients consent, the student was allowed to c arry out the same clinical process explaining to the mentor and the patient each step of her action as the mentor had done to demonstrate her understanding. This was a way for the mentor to assess the students competency and ability to take in large amounts of information (Watson et al, 2000). After the task was completed, documentation in the patients nursing notes was done. The mentors intervention ensured initial exposure to this clinical task was given, however the mentor needs to always be aware of areas for further improvement and building of confidence in the students performance (RCN, 2007a). Morton-Cooper and Palmer (2000) explain that a good mentor/student relationship will allow the sharing of knowledge between two individuals, and Collis-Pellattt (2006) add that mentors are expected to facilitate learning opportunities and tailor teaching to the students individual learning needs. The intervention accomplished both of these points. In a gynaecology ward, it is crucial that students have a sufficient knowledge of the fluid balance sheet. This is knowledge acquired from their university teaching and it is the mentors role to ensure that the student can put their theoretical knowledge in to practice whilst on their placement, by providing relevant learning opportunities designed to explore these practices (Morton-Cooper and Palmer, 2000). In a gynaecology ward, the majority of patients return from theatre with intra venous fluids as well as catheters. This is a prime learning opportunity for the student where the mentor can allow them to monitor the input and output of fluids and document the information accurately and clearly in the fluid balance chart. It is an opportunity for the student to learn how to calculate and measure the fluid output correctly in order to get an accurate figure of the patients medical needs. In doing this effectively, the student learns to detect any risk of retention or dehydration. In providing this earning opportunity, the mentor ensures that the student understands the need to manage risk effectively, reporting risks in order to maintain the safety and well being of the patient and all those concerned in the care of the patient. Due to the pace of a gynaecology ward, it is sometimes necessary for a mentor to allow the student to work independently provided that they have demonstrated the ability and willingness to progress and lead with limited supervision. NMC (2008a) suggest that the student is also responsible for their own learning and must follow the policy for completion of clinical assessments as set out by the clinical placement provider and reflect on and respond constructively to feedback they are given (NMC, 2008a). Often when a mentor is given a third year student to teach, the student will demonstrate a keenness to take on added responsibility on the ward. In this instance, the mentor can entrust the third year student with the management of a small number of patients, ensuring they carry out the necessary care for the patients, all in aid of helping the student develop the skills to prioritise patients care needs. In order to do this effectively, the student would have observed the mentor in th e first instance in his/her management of patient care. The mentor will explain that it is necessary to firstly prepare the theatre patient first before anything else, ensuring that the patient is changed into the correct garments, the theatre bed is made and the patient theatre checklist is completed and accurately documented. Once this is done, other tasks can then be followed in order of urgency. The mentor must also highlight to the student what is construed as urgent in a gynaecology ward, as perceptions differ on what is urgent in terms of prioritising work. Once the student has observed this process several times and the mentor feels that he/she is ready to take on this responsibility, the mentor can assign the student with a small number of patients to look after and with guidance, observe the student in action. The mentor will always ensure that the student is not left alone, and has guidance and supervision at all times (RCN, 2007a). All documentations will be checked and countersigned by the mentor before hand over to the next shift. Where appropriate, the student will also progress to learning bed allocation and the admission and discharge process. Although, some progressive second year students may also be afforded the opportunity to manage the care of patients in this learning environment, the mentor will often only assign one patient to the student and maintain continuous supervision due to the limited theoretical knowledge acquired at university to that point. By doing this, the mentor ensures that the student and the patient are not put at risk. In summary, it has been established that mentoring pre-registered nurses is a vital part of nurse education and has become common practice in the UK. It has been accepted that good mentoring is the result of well-planned learning opportunities and the provision of support and coaching for students, which should also incorporate an appropriate level of supervision (RCN, 2007a). The mentors are also learners in the process and they too require support and guidance from different professionals such as link tutors. Although this assistance is not always available to mentors, they are able to deviate from this problem by having more contact and communication with the students in order to bridge that gap. Duffy (2004) suggests that mentors often feel ill-prepared for their roles and lack the necessary support to carry out their duties as required not only from professional staff, but also from the students education institutions. Experience has shown that there are instances where mentors needed to contact link lecturers to discuss students competence levels but was unable to reach the lecturer and get the matter resolved urgently. What has also been noted as a hindrance to the mentoring process is the lack of quality time spent with the students whilst working on a clinical setting. There were many times when the ward was busy and it was impossible to maintain contact or teach the students during these times. I am of the opinion that clinical settings need to be made more adaptable to students and there needs to be an improvement made on making clinical settings also cater to a learning environment to assist training nurses wanting to progress into the nursing field.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Concept Paper Interior Design
CONCEPT PAPER (ONE-BEDROOM CONDOMINIUM UNIT) 1. DESIGN PHILOSOPHY Design a space that is worth-living, aesthetically functional, and innovatively efficient and one that complements the user’s personality, defines his attitude and suits his lifestyle. 2. DESIGN RATIONALE The client is a 32 years old female executive who is a workaholic and is very successful computer analyst. She wants her condominium unit to be a restful, relaxing place and a refuge from the office and the busy cosmopolitan ambience of Makati City. Her desired space must be efficient, functional and equipped with the ease of technology. . DESIGN OBJECTIVE ? Be able to execute the design of the condominium unit that corresponds to the client’s desires and requirements ? Be able to design the space that is harmonious and unified yet fully functional, efficient and innovative ? Be able to match the required technological advances to the desired design of the space 4. DESIGN CONCEPT Design the condominium u nit with a simple yet sophisticated style to suit the profile of the client and use soothing color schemes to make the space a sanctuary and a place to feel maximum rest away from the city’s busy ambience. . STYLE Contemporary Zen Style 6. DESIGN STRATEGY Use a color scheme that can be soothing and relaxing like blues and greens but balance it with neutral colors to make the space sophisticated. Place furniture pieces that are of clean-lines to avoid busy or cluttered space and that will also add to the room’s lightness for maximum relaxation. Put additional innovative features inside the condominium unit to adhere to the client’s requirement of technological convenience.
Friday, January 10, 2020
A Utilitarian Argument in the Ford Pinto Case Essay
In 1971 Ford Motor Company decided they wanted to create a compact car that could compete with the other Japanese manufactured cars. It rushed from its inception to its actual production. In the end, these cars proved to be one of the most dangerous ever produced because of their extreme flammability in instance of rear impact collision. The decision by Ford to not recall any of its cars, and not fix design flaws, conceal the truth of their mistake and roll the dice future incoming lawsuits, damages and loss of human life is the one that I will dissect. I will show how this action uses the â€Å"greatest happiness and greatest pleasure†form of Utilitarianism and the true moral flaws that it exposes. Many parties were affected is this case including the Ford Motor Company employees, the shareholders, the company owners, and every single consumer or person who not only purchased the vehicles but also drove in them including the ones who were injured, burned or even killed, and not to be forgotten, the rest of the whole world. Actually no one escapes the ripple effect of this decision. Ford Motor Company, led by President Lee Iacocca, discovered that during the sped up engineering and production process it had created the fuel tank vulnerable to fiery rear crashes because of the layout of the car. Ford realized this but made its decision to not recall the cars based of their own company formulated utilitarian cost benefit analysis and fear of negative company effects. Ford Motor Company weighed the risk in terms of how much it would cost the company to pay for damages and loss of any human life, which was put into a numeric dollar value by the National Highway Travel Safety Administration (NHTSA) of $200,000 per life and multiplied it by the number of accidents it estimated would occur from the flaw. Ford Motor Company calculated that the cost of compensation for death, injury and damaged cars was significantly less than the cost of recalling all the vehicles with the rear design flaw. Basically they thought they would save money, keep up their shareholder price, and have less damage to all involved by not doing anything except â€Å"taking it on the chin†with regards to predicted accidents caused by the accident prone fuel tank. They also assumed that if they made a recall, their share price would plummet and shareholders would lose money, and that possibly employees would lose jobs. Ford Motor company did a really did a neat job of es timating life values and social components cost of property damage, insurance costs, legal fees, employer losses, funeral, assets and value of each human life in society. They even concluded they would need to pay 87 million dollars less by doing no recalls and just paying for these other future damage costs. However there is a dominant if not obvious consideration that carries more importance than just economics and Ford’s revenue. First of all, consider the possible damage to the company’s reputation created by media and public when having multiple accident from the same automobile model. The company could lose big from media and public backlash. Second, in line with utilitarian factors, Ford calculates all the collateral damage in terms of money and nothing else. Money creates pleasure for some, and pain for others. Ford calculates money as a positive value, and that is all. It seems really ideal that when creating a calculus in utilitarian ethics to think in terms of dollars because dollars carry a numeric value anyway! The decision not to recall the cars and let the accidents occur loses utilitarian units of value in terms of obvious life factors. It is also so narrow minded that I would consider it not rational. First, it is focused way too much on numeric dollar value s when considering human injuries, company futures, and life lost. The decision really applies Jeremy Bentham’s idea of more pleasure (money) for the most people is the right thing. But you must consider human life in terms of a quality like John Stuart Mill’s idea for happiness and quality of life, and for those lost and for those who grieve afterwards, for the hate that is created, and the pain and suffering. Second you have to think in terms of the imminent possibility of Ford’s reputation to be ruined beyond foreseeable repair with the unsafe cars. For a non-corporate minute, don’t think in terms of insurance claims, lawsuits paid, and annual profits gained or lost, but for competitors looking at the company as stupid, and the American public devaluing Ford in their own minds when they find out the truth about the cover up. Consider negative ideas forming in the minds of the American public as they look to the foreign auto makers to seek retribution on Ford by using their own consumer given purchasing power, and hurting the domestic economy by buying foreign cars and labeling Ford Motor Company, a company founded over 70 years prior by Henry Ford from Detroit, as a fraud and never to be trusted again! Anyone in the Ford family could not have been thinking rationally if they made the decision not to recall because they were risking too many important values that did not carry immediate economic value in 1971, but certainly did after 1976 just five years later! Ford Motor company, by their own calculations, saved 87 million by making their decision to not recall cars. This was a seemingly good consequence for Ford Motor Company, only until four people died in 1972 and other incidents happened that created a downward spiral for them. However they should have bore the cost of the recalls as a way of upholding their own company character through honestly admitting their technical mistake, which in the end, has a lot more value. Also sparing lives adds tremendous moral value to a decision that corrects the problem and announces it as it is which is an engineering design flaw that they are aware of. Instead of doing things as they did, Ford Motor Company could have tried to recall all vehicles that were on the market at the time, and spent the extra money and time to correct a mistake that they â€Å"deeply regretted.†The president would not need to emphasize how they rushed their production to compete with another foreign company, but instead insisted that they as an American based company needed to fix the problem for the sake of safety of the American people, by which they held more dearly than their own profitability. By this alternative way, they uphold American Christian values which were at the heart of the inception of the United States values and hold higher moral value any Japanese auto company can hope to have. They could convince the consumer markets, and the media that this decision is why Ford is who they are, and although they may not be as fast as other auto makers, at least they are concerned about doing things the right moral way. This alternate idea produces more good for more people using a utilitarian way of thinking as well. Creating a stable product with quality in mind is a solid business decision and will create profitability for years to come. Selling cars up to current safely regulations to people to benefit their well being and making the country in which they exist in better as well as all those who purchase their vehicles around the world better. Ford Motor Company’s decision uses ideas from one of the utilitarianism founders in Jeremy Bentham. However it is narrow minded because it only considers the aspects of living and society status in terms of money values at the current time. If we lived in a world where money was equally valuable to reputations, emotions, and even life then their decision may be utilitarian but it is still not ethical. The future is what costs them. However that is not the world we live in and a company such as Ford needs to think about the multiple negative outcomes of a decision like the Ford Pinto example. They should have recalled all the Pintos because the good still outweighs the bad in the end. It is a wiser business decision, moral, ethical and it applies utilitarianism. Works Cited DeGeorge, Richard T. Business Ethics 7th Edition. New Jersey Pearson, 2010. Print. Hoffman, W. Michael. â€Å"The Ford Pinto.†Business Ethics: Readings and Cases in Corporate Morality. Ed. W. Michael Hoffman, Robert E. Frederick, and Mark S. Schwartz. New York NY. McGraw-Hill, 2001. Boyce, Daniel â€Å"The Flaw of Utlitarianism: The Ford Pinto Case†Business Ethics IB. 15 April, 2010. Web. 11 April 2014.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Six Step Decision Making Process - 1157 Words
Before a company can make any decision on introducing a new product to the market it must undergo the six-step decision process. Many issues and profit loss can be avoided if the company undergoes the process and focus on their goal. The six-step decision process is a systematic process that can be applied to any situation within a company, non-profit organization and even in your personal goals. The six steps consist of identifying the problem, establishing a goal to reach, search for possible solutions to the problem, evaluate all the cons to all the possible solutions, select one of your options and then undergo an analysis of the outcomes. This paper is going demonstrate a simulation of a the six step decision making process from the perspective a soft drink company that is evaluating the possibility of launching a new soft drink product with twenty five percent fruit juice. New Soft Drink All companies no matter their specialization must undergo the six step decision making process when launching a new product or making a decision that will impact directly the company’s profits, production, reputation, etc. The decision making process in large corporations are more complex due to the multiple levels within the organization. This does not mean that if the company is small it will be easier; it just means there will be less input from multiple departments or personnel. The soda company is a large industry that must be very careful in their decision-makingShow MoreRelatedDecision Making Process Paper820 Words  | 4 PagesDecision-Making Process Paper MGT/230 June 26, 2011 Abstract The decision-making process has six stages. These stages consist of identifying and diagnosing the problem, generating alternative solutions, evaluating alternatives, making the choice, implementing the decision, and evaluate the decision. 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